Room colors and how it affects your mood

INTRODUCTION:  It is easy to forget about the power of color and how it affects our moods. Our emotions are deeply tied to memories and personal experiences, so when you enter a room, the colors you see immediately trigger a memory or feeling from your past. In fact, studies show that even slightly changing the…
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Ready or Not… Winter is Here

The time to start prepping your home for winter is now. We will go over some of the most common and practical things that you can do to prepare. Clean your gutters Check weather stripping and seal drafty windows Reverse ceiling fans to run clockwise Have your HVAC system inspected by a licensed contractor Caulk…
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Choosing the Right White

White is white, right? Nope! Whether you’re looking to paint the walls of a bathroom, bedroom, living room or baseboards vs ceilings, selecting the right white is essential. The wrong one can make your space look dingy and uninviting. White Paints White is a neutral color, which means it can be used in any space…
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Selecting a Contractor

      Painting is a major investment, both in terms of time and money. The last thing you want to do is select a contractor that doesn’t have the right credentials. Instead, you should take some time upfront to make sure you find someone who will provide the kind of quality service that meets…
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How To Repair Drywall Before Painting

Introduction Painting a room isn’t the easiest thing to do. So, if you’ve got some holes in your drywall that need patching before you get started, don’t worry! I’m going to show you how easy it is to patch those pesky little holes (and other rough spots) so that your walls are smooth and ready…
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